Social Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program

team members meeting

The culture of Entrepreneurship in Nepal has bubbled in the recent times. The increasing subsets of unemployment and dissatisfactory working landscape has triggered young people to drive their force and interest towards Entrepreneurship. Amidst the bubble, the untouched and unexplored Social Entrepreneurship Model has been obscured because of knowledge gap among the young people regarding the same. With myriad opportunities in Social Entrepreneurial landscape, young people are often blindfolded with traditional entrepreneurial approaches. 


Social Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program is a participatory learning program designed by Social Lab and Samsara in order to equip young people with necessary social entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. The program is a blend of participatory workshop, case studies, consultation, incubation, and collaborative work with state-of-the-art approaches. 


The vision of the Social Entrepreneurship Acceleration program is to “Redefine Nepal’s Future” through a social entrepreneurship ecosystem. 


There are 3 different structured programs that are being offered under Social Entreprneuership Acceleration Program:

1. Social Entrepreneurship Workshop: Typically one day program introduced for young students, aspiring entrepreneurs, and social activists. 

2. Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: 2-3 days tailored event with range of topics focused on ideation, business model development, and idea pitching.

3. Social Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program: 4-5 days of intensive consultation and mentorship program for graduates of Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp; looking for scalability.

Features of Social Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program

Case Studies

A walkthrough of relevant social business case studies to groom the participants with the trends and practices in social business.

Participatory Workshop

Hands-on participatory action research and collaborative work to define business ideas, business model, and craft a solid social business plan

Mentorship & Consultation

Intensive mentorship and consultation to form a purposive yet scalable social business

Collaboration and support

Peering with potential business partner to support the growth and development of the ideas

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Check out our video on Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp