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Social Lab

Social Lab is a think-tank initiative of Samsara; established to address existing social and environmental issues through social entrepreneurship and innovation. Social Lab collaborates with social entrepreneurs, civil societies, academia, corporates, policy researchers, and activists to research and develop innovative solutions in bringing social and environmental reform. 

The concept of a social lab is rooted in the principles of design thinking, social entrepreneurship, and participatory approaches. It provides a structured space for stakeholders to engage in a creative and iterative process of problem-solving, where they can understand the root causes of a problem, experiment with potential solutions, and learn from the outcomes. 


  • To accelerate Social Change through human-centered research and social innovation in the spectrum of Education, Entrepreneurship, and Environment. 
  • To accelerate social entrepreneurship in addressing social and environmental issues of Nepalese Economy
talking about social lab

Our Projects

As a learning outcome from entrepreneurial experience in Samsara, the project management team at Samsara decided to  launch Social lab. Since then, we have been working in two major domains.

Find our Policy Brief here​

Policy Brief_Social Entrepreneurship_landscape_in_Nepal

Policy Brief_Meal_Education_in_Nepal

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